Matrix for Media

Monarch - Budget Process Overview - Video Included - Account Executive

The Above Video is a recording from a training on the new Budgeting Module and below are step by step instructions to access the Budget Template. 

1. Please navigate to Lists > Budgets. Under the budget column, please click on the budget year you would like to access  

  • In the upper right hand corner there is a year selector. So you have the option to choose the year of the Budget Template that you are working on. By default, it will be on the current year and is a sticky option.

2. After selecting your Budget, you will be taken directly to the Budget's Entry Screen.  

Automatically Fill Out Budget 

The Automatically Fill Out Budget function allow you to fill out the budget numbers based on last year's Forecast.  

WARNING – Selecting Automatically Fill Out Budget OVERWRITES any existing data.  

After you click on Automatically Fill out Budget, you will see the below screenshot.  

Once you select the forecast year, you will see the below screenshot. On this screen, you can enter the percentage that you would like your budget numbers to increase by.  Then click Fill out Budget. 

Note: Please enter the percentage number into the Baseline increase text box on the top if you would like to apply the same percentage into budget template OR enter the percentage number into the increase by text box next to each month if you would like to apply the different percentage number for each month. 

Fill Out Budget   

Once you select your Budget Template, you will see the entire budget template. You can use the filters on the top of the page to filter down to specific attributes (Outlets, Offices, Rev Types, Agency, and Accounts). These attributes may differ depending on what is required by your company. You also now have the ability to sort the Budget Rows by a specific attribute. 

After setting any necessary filters, make sure to click the Apply Filters button to apply the filters selected to your Budget Template.

You can change these filters at any point while you are entering or editing the Budget. After entering the Budget, if you'd like to hide any rows that do not have a budget you can do so by checking off the 'Hide Rows Without A Budget' checkbox. 

Note:  If you click on one of the fields to enter or edit the budget number, Matrix will display the next, current, and last years' booked numbers under the line that you are about to enter the budget number as shown in the below screenshot.

There is no Save button. Budget numbers are saved as soon as you press Tab on your keyboard to go to the next field.

Copy/Split the Budget Lines

You also have the ability to Copy or Split values across your Budget lines. To do this scroll all the way over to the right of the template lines. After the line totals, you can click on the menu icon in order to copy or split a value across this budget line.


When selecting Copy, you will be asked to fill out the following options where you can input the amount that you'd like to have copied across all months by checking the All checkbox. The example below shows that a $250 budget will be put on the months of January through December. Click Save to apply your updates. Note: You can uncheck individual months as well and the amount copied will not be copied to the unchecked month.

When selecting Split, you will be asked to fill out the following options where you can input a total budget amount that you would like to have split across the months checked. The example below shows that $1500 will be split evenly between the months of June, July, and August. Click Save to apply your updates.


Export Budget  

To export Budget, please click Lists > Budgets > click on the menu next to the budget template name on the right > select Export. Budget template will be exported into Excel.  

View Budget Change Logs  

This function allows you to see who edited the budget,  when the budget was edited, and other details. To access the Budget Change Logs, please navigate to Lists > Budgets > click on the menu next to the budget template name on the right > select View budget change logs 

 Exporting for offline edit and Import Budget

If you're allowed to update budget numbers, then you have access to the "Export for offline editing" option. Once you have completed the edit, you will select "Import Budget" to import your changes. 

Keyword Search: budget, Lock budget, unlock budget, automatically fill out budget, fill out budget, work through my budget.

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