Matrix for Media

Notes for October 10, 2018


  • We have taken the first steps toward improving the Account Profile pages by providing you with new Data Cards, widening the view, cleaning up the address information, and moving tags to a separate tab. Expect a total redesign of the Account Profile in the future, so your feedback will certainly go a long way here! Let us know how it impacts your workflows for better or worse!
  • Corrected an issue with the Office 365 Integration that would prevent syncing the date if the date were to be changed in Monarch.
  • Corrected an issue where the Twitter integration on the Account Profiles was not displaying properly in the Microsoft Edge browser.
  • New Icons will exist throughout Monarch for Agencies, Advertisers, Contacts, Deals, and Activities so if it feels just a little bit different that should be why. 


  • Corrected a bug that prevented the Manager Espresso Shot from saving changes.
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