Matrix for Media

Notes for May 16, 2019


Are you using Gsuite and are heavily invested into your Google Calendar? We love that, and we want to help make your life easier by syncing between Monarch Activities and Google Calendar Events.  Reach out to your Success Manager in order to learn more about the following benefits and how we can get this integration enabled for you!

  • Create Activities in Monarch and they will appear as Calendar Events in Google.
  • Create Calendar Events in Google and they will appear as Activities in Monarch.
  • Attach files in either location and view them in either location.
  • Sync recurring activities from Google Calendar as Activities in monarch on a rolling 3 month window.
  • No setup required by the sales team! We work directly with IT in order to set everything up. 

Additionally, we have streamlined the experience for users of Chromebooks and using the web version of Gmail as their mail handler of choice so that clicking on email addresses within Monarch will load a new email in Gmail for Chrome.  

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