Matrix for Media

Notes for January 28, 2021


The Contact Profile has been updated to be more in line with our vision of how a profile page should look. You'll notice that it's right in line with the last profile updated, the Agency, and provides a more fluid workflow. There are some notable updates that we want to call out with this as well! Some even retrofitted back to the Agency profile in order to keep that same user experience across the board.

  • Instagram added as a social media. It has also been added to the Agency Profile page. List Builder has also been updated to take advantage of Instagram for Contacts.
  • Image of the contact will display if their primary email address is connected to Gravatar.
  • Contacts can have a primary and alternative email address.
  • Notes have their own section separate from Activities.
  • Notes can be downloaded. This has been applied to the Agency profile as well.
  • Contacts can have a custom prefix beyond what we offer today in order to handle formal titles like “Brother” or “Sister” as have been common cases cited in the past.
  • Improved the interaction with the Twitter pod making it easier to understand and fill out without excess clicking.

  • Notes can be downloaded on the Agency profile.
  • Instagram has been added as a social media platform for Agencies. It will come to Accounts in the future.
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