Matrix for Media

Matrix Services Offerings

At Matrix, we can offer services that help you and your team continue to grow with our product. Perhaps since your intial implementation things have changed and we need to modify data within your database or there is a new traffic system integration that you are looking to add. Matrix can help in getting modifications made to your platform to update and change with you and your team to continue the success within your markets.

Calendar Conversion
What We Do
  • Reorganize data within Matrix utilizing the appropriate calendar (Gregorian, Broadcast, etc.).
  • Import of missing historical calendar billing (must be same traffic system as originally used in database).
  • Reconstruct database to allow reporting on separate calendar.
  • Set default calendar settings to align all reporting settings.
  • Enable users to switch between calendar settings on reports within the application.
  • Holistic view of data within calendars.
  • Quick and easy view of data within Matrix.
Traffic System Conversion
What We Do
  • Enables the client to standardize data within the Matrix application.
  • Enables the customer to have a seamless transition from one traffic system to another system.
  • Allows continuous, uninterrupted reporting on revenues within Matrix.
  • Affords customer ability to compare data sets from disparate traffic systems.
  • Standardize data sets within the Matrix application.
  • Create on boarding plans for users of application.
  • Setup/customize import routines to work with data from multiple traffic systems.
  • Ensure seamless cutover of data within the Matrix application.
  • Standardized data sets for comparison across disparate traffic systems, historically and forward looking.
  • Uninterrupted services and reporting functionality.
  • Significantly enhanced reporting accuracy. Holistic account revenue management.
Data Field Derivation
What We Do
  • Utilizing existing data from traffic system to create reportable data points within the Matrix application.
  • Typically utilized for enhanced reporting on asset revenue.
  • Analyze data points on file to determine primary keys for data points.
  • Build system logic to construct reportable data points within the Matrix application.
  • Ability to set security and partitioning based on constructed data points.
  • Provide expanded reporting functionality and security of data on data points, not currently available in pool of data from traffic system.
Import of New Outlet
What We Do
  • Matrix to make revenue reporting available for new asset
  • Modify the import routine to accommodate the import of the new asset
  • Standardize data sets within the Matrix application.
  • Confirm revenue allocation is appropriate across newly imported asset
  • Establish security and partitioning around newly imported asset
  • Provide customer with holistic view of revenue data for new asset
  • Provide new asset with standardization of data sets which will enable them to make appropriate business decisions as it relates to asset trending
Data Integrity Review
What We Do
  • Analyze data sets, primarily categories, to ensure that revenue is properly allocated within the Matrix system
  • Provide customer with accurate, trusted views of revenue data when performing revenue analysis/reporting
  • Review advertiser order detail records and determine points of misalignment
  • Provide customer with a comprehensive report outlining areas of misalignment (option to have Matrix fix at a fee)
  • Significantly enhanced reporting accuracy
  • Trusted views of complex data
Database Split
What We Do
  • Removal of divested assets from the parent Matrix database.
  • Ensuring all security measures have been applied correctly and appropriately.
  • Removal of order detail records relevant to divested stations.
  • Programmatic cleansing and removal of divested assets from parent Matrix database.
  • Analysis of security and access to data within the parent Matrix database.
  • Relocation of divested assets into their own Matrix database environment.
  • Added security measures within the database.
  • Unnecessary data removal from system.
  • Providing continuous service to divested assets of the Matrix application.
  • Compliance with regulatory rules and regulations.
Database Merge
What We Do
  • Merging of two existing Matrix databases into one solution.
  • Ensuring all security measures have been applied correctly and appropriately.
  • Customization and setup of import packages to handle the merged data imports.
  • Programmatically merge two distinct Matrix databases into one Matrix database.
  • Work in consultative manner on data normalization and database security.
  • Setup of custom import packages to ensure continuity of services.
  • Comprehensive roll up of data and reporting functionality for corporate users.
  • Standardization of corporate wide metrics, terminology and reporting standards.
  • Uninterrupted services for the Matrix solution.
Data Conversion
What We Do
  • Align historical data sets with newly configured data sets (i.e. Categories/Revenue Types)
  • Review existing data sets and determine mapping procedures to ensure appropriate rollup into newly created data sets
  • Simplified and consistent naming conventions for all data
  • Significantly enhanced reporting capabilities
  • Standardized data sets for comparison historically and forward looking.
Calendar Conversion
What We Do
  • Conversion of one default calendar to another or the loading of data to allow for a new reporting calendar
  • Convert a current calendar programmatically to a new calendar or setup importing to all for the import of a new calendar
  • Consistent reporting across businesses
  • Allows for appropriate view of business pipeline
Custom Alerts
What We Do
  • Create custom alert based on data already in Matrix or data that is imported into Matrix
  • Create or modify an alert rule based on the business need of the client
  • Deploy the alert to the customer’s environment
  • Focused alerts that are relevant to the customer’s business
  • Customized functionality to fit process workflows
Wide Orbit API
What We Do
  • Configuration of the Wide Orbit integration to allow for the automated send of the nightly import file
  • Coordinate with Wide Orbit the configuration of the API
  • Test the automated pull of data from Wide Orbit
  • Reconfigure the Matrix database to allow for the import of data from the Wide Orbit API
  • Automated, hands-off, daily file delivered to Matrix
  • Allows for additional fields not currently a part of the Wide Orbit revenue extract, such as New Business
Contact Import
What We Do
  • Import of contacts into Matrix by the Matrix team
  • Basic normalization and review of data provided by customer
  • Modification of data into import format
  • Import of contacts into Matrix
  • Clean contact information
  • Contacts are imported and ready to go without customer needing to clean them up

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