Matrix for Media

Monarch - Mass Emailing Contacts - List Builder / Contact List

Often times you'll need to send follow-up emails or do a mass email for a specific campaign to contacts that you are managing through a list. 

You have 2 options to get this done.

1. Utilize List Builder using Mass Actions. 

  • Create your Contact List. Click HERE to learn how.
  • After the List is created, check off the Contacts that you would like to email. NOTE - You can check all of them by selecting the top check box. 
  • Select Mass Actions > Send Email

2. Export your Contact List.

  • Select Contacts on the left in the Navigation Menu under Lists.

  • Check off the Contacts that you would like to email. NOTE - You can check all of them by selecting the top check box.

  • Select Mass ActionsEmail Selected

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