Are you a (national) manager or a salesperson looking to call the market and to estimate where a quarter will close across your Outlets, Offices, Agencies, and Accounts? We call this a Projection, and we have made it an easy entry experience for those interested in the process. Think of it as a value that sits ahead of individual deals and pending dollars, but a little behind your budget in terms of the process.
- To get started, click on the Projections link from the left navigation menu.
Options and Navigation
- Most options that are less likely to be changed on a regular basis are kept within the Show Options menu. All options are sticky, meaning they will be remembered from run to run, day to day until you change them.
- Projections will default to the current quarter if you have never visited the page before. You can change your time frame for Projection entry as well as choose how many historical quarters to view while editing a projection. The Historical Quarters selector is not available when using some Scenarios.
- Text Options allow you to choose how you wish to view the page in Spacious (the most padding), Comfortable (a little less padding), or Compact (the least padding) size. Additionally, choose if you want to Wrap Text for easier reading or Shorten Text for emphasis on fitting more on screen at once.
- Rows per Page lets you set the number of rows that you wish to see on the page.
- Scenarios can save you time from scanning thousands of rows for something interesting. Instead, ask Monarch to find that interesting thing for you with a Scenario. Some scenarios make it easier to compare values with highlighted values matching your chosen scenario and optimizing the review period between a salesperson and their manager. You can also edit the projection with a scenario enabled, but given their comparative nature, you may find this best served as a tool to use after a first pass has occurred.
- No Scenario is the basic view of Projections without any comparison-based filtering in place.
- $0 Projections with a Market Budget will return any projection rows where a Market Budget or Share exists, but a Projection dollar value does not exist. This often indicates a market budget was applied across multiple Outlets in the same market, but the salesperson may have forgotten to apply a Projection.
- Compare All will automatically expand the selected comparison quarter, but it does not highlight any specific value, nor does it limit the rows returned beyond your selected filters as no specific comparison is being done.
- New Business by Outlet finds where the combination of Outlet/Account has $0 in the comparison period and the Pending or Booked or Projection > $0 in the current projection period.
- Non Returning Business by Outlet locates the Outlet/Account combinations that are $0 Booked and $0 Pending and $0 Projection in the projection period and have a value that is greater than $0 in the comparison period Booked amount.
- Projection to Booked Comparison find where a projection is less than or greater than a previous quarter’s booked amount and only returns those rows. The historical Booked amount and current Projection will be highlighted to make it easier to find the comparison amounts.
- Projection to Projection Comparison finds where a projection is less than or greater than a previous quarter’s projection amount and only returns those rows. The historical and current Projection amount will be highlighted in order to make it easier to find the comparison amounts.
- There is an option on right that will allow the user to select how they would like to view the flagged rows that are not being projected against. The dropdown selection is sticky so it will stay selected from session to session. Users can choose between:
- Show All – This will show all rows whether they are flagged or not
- Hide Flagged Rows – This will remove any rows that have the flag set for a row to not receive a projection
- Only Show Flagged Rows – this will only show flagged rows on the screen.
- Hide Pending and Forecast Columns allows you to remove the 4 columns of Pending, Budget, Share, and Forecast
- Display Order allows you to organize related information to better suit your comparison and entry needs. Simply drag and drop the handles in order to match your preference.
- Standard paging is included to ensure the load times are optimal and no user waits too long for Projections to return. You can interact with the paging controls above the headers in order to advance to the next, previous, last, and first page of Projections.
- You can set the number of rows that you wish to see on the page. This setting will be remembered for the next time you visit the Projections page as well.
Breaking It Down
- You will see each of your rows on this page broken out by Status, Outlet, Office, Salesperson, Agency, and Account. Only Managers will see the Salesperson column. Each corresponding column can be sorted.
- Some columns can apply filters in addition to a simple search allowing you to find a specific value or combination of values. The search is a contains style search so that means if you are looking for the Account "20th Century Fox" then you could start typing "20th" or "Fox" and your result will appear in the list.
- The filtering will display a numerical value indicating that some values have been selected or “ALL” indicating that all values have been selected (essentially no filter has been applied). Clicking into either of these will show the values that you can filter on along with a search box. Select 1 or more values and press OK to set the filter and view the refined results.
- Additionally there is a Market and Media Type filter that sits on top of the column heads that can be used independent of any other filter and search capability.
- Each of the results also acts as a link to the respective Profile page within Monarch for even more information. For example, clicking onto an individual Account will take you to the Account Profile.
- The Rows that display on this page follow a very strict set of rules in order to help you more quickly update your Projections and help you stay focused. The Account must have billed within the last year or any time in the future OR the Account must be a Prospect OR the Account must have an active Open deal. An account that billed in 2016 will not display today. However if that Account has an open deal, then it would display as we will interpret that as an Account that you are actively working on.
Unwired Agencies
- You may see rows where the Account displays “- Unwired” in the name. This is indicative of an Unwired Agency and has been set by an Admin to roll all Accounts up to one row for the given Outlet/Office/Salesperson combination. Projections with Unwired Agency as the Account will act as a summary row for the individual accounts that are managed by the agency. By managing a single row for an Unwired Agency, users will be able to project and report on an Unwired Wired agency as a single entity. This eliminates the need for manually flagging the hundreds of individual accounts to be ignored by projections for reporting. All revenue booked under the individual accounts will roll into the appropriate consolidated Unwired Agency row on Projections. New projection rows for the Unwired Agency will be automatically generated if revenue comes in for a new unique combination.
Understanding your Projections, Market Budget, and Share
Additionally, each row will contain the fields defined below. Some help you with information to complete your projections while others can accept values that you enter. Note that this header will float so that you can easily see what each column represents as your scroll vertically.
- Booked - The amount of dollars currently within your billing system for the time frame in view.
- Budget – A calculated amount based upon the Booked dollars and Share from your traffic/billing system. (Booked / Share%).
- Share – The Share provided from your traffic/billing system.
- Note: Your traffic/billing system must be able to provide the fields of budget or share to be able to utilize this integration at this time.
- Pending - The amount of dollars you still hope to receive as summed from Deals within Monarch for the time frame in view.
- Budget – The amount that a buyer wishes to spend within a given market as provided by a proposal system.
- Share – The amount that a seller has capture, as a percentage, from the buyer’s Budget.
- Forecast - The sum of Booked + Pending as a calculation. This shows your current efforts for the time frame in view and would be your final amount if you did not update pending dollars or import additional revenue.
- Projection - The amount of dollars you feel you will realistically close out the time frame in view with. It is not dependent on existing deals or booked revenue. This field can be updated by you.
- Market Budget - The amount of money that an Account has to spend in a single Market for the time frame in view. Note that by changing this for one row it will change other rows if they have Outlets in the same market. This field can be updated by you.
- Share - The percentage of the Market Budget that you hope to achieve on a single Outlet. It is typically based upon your share of viewers within a market. This field can be updated by you.
- Total Row History - At the very end of the header, there is an arrow pointing to the left. Clicking on that arrow will expand the header so that you can see the totals from the historical quarters. Clicking the arrow again will collapse the header. Below is an image showing the current quarter and the two previous quarters.
Editing and Historical References
Anytime that you click into a Projection, Market Budget, or Share field it will immediately set the row for editing and you will be presented with some historical information over the previous year designed to help you see a trend and make decisions while updating the quarter in view.
- It is likely that the Pending amount will equal $0 as you do not typically have historical pending, as Monarch attempts to zero out historical pending each month. This is not always the case as you may be entering a projection for a quarter months ahead of time so the historical rows may show a pending amount.
- Market Budget and Share display for the pending value as historically captured
- Booked and Forecast dollars will likely be the same for months in the past due Forecast being a calculation (Booked + Pending).
- Market Budget and Share display for the Booked value as historically captured
- Projection will be the value entered from projections in the previous time frame being viewed.
- Market Budget will be the value entered from Market Budget in the previous time frame being viewed.
- Share will be the value entered from Share in the previous time frame being viewed.
- Whenever you enter any 2 values for Projection, Market Budget, or Share, the 3rdwill automatically be calculated for you. For example, if you enter $2,000 into Projection and $10,000 into Market Budget, we will automatically calculate the row at 20 share.
- Further if you were to edit this row again, you will be required to set the calculation again. For example if I wanted to update that same Projection to $3,000 then I would be prompted to set the Budget to $15,000 or the Share to 30.
- Further if you were to edit this row again, you will be required to set the calculation again. For example if I wanted to update that same Projection to $3,000 then I would be prompted to set the Budget to $15,000 or the Share to 30.
- Note that updating the market budget for one row may update it for another row (when the Office, Salesperson, Account, and Agency are the same but in a different Outlet within the same market). This is intentional and is designed to increase the accuracy of projections and mitigate excess scrolling when the rows are not next to each other due to filtering or sorting.
- You can collapse any row again manually via the
collapse icon on the right of each expanded row. Additionally, clicking into another row for edit will collapse the existing row and open a new one.