Matrix for Media

Monarch - Activate / Edit a User (Customized)

Save time by taking advantage of the Local User Maintenance within Monarch.  Activate or Edit Users on the fly without the need to contact the Matrix Support Team.   

To Add a New User

From the blue navigation panel click on Users – click on the Plus Sign    (Left side of the screen)

  1. Email - This should be the at email address.
  2. Display Name – This is a required field that will automatically populate when you fill in the first and last name.
  3. Create this User to be like – select a user that is active on the team.
    ***Note if you are hiring a new salesperson that will be selling Broadcast and Digital, and you already have a salesperson that sells this way, then you will want to choose that existing salesperson in order to let Matrix apply the appropriate Team, Role, and Grouping structure on the back end.  If you have a totally new scenario, please contact Matrix Support to further discuss this need.
  1. Active – Make certain the Active box is checked.  This will allow the user to log into Monarch.
  2. Secondary Username – This should be your email address.  Identifier on your network which is used to authenticate your SSO Login.  
  3. Traffic ID – enter the traffic id/code from Wide Orbit.  Don’t have one? The field will automatically fill in based upon the First Name and Last Name Fields. 
  4. Click Save
    ***Note – In addition, your technology team has setup SSO, you will need to reach out to your helpdesk,, to have them turn on Single Sign-On for your new users.  (SSO allows users to log in with a single ID and password to various software systems)

To Edit a user

To edit an existing user, following the instructions below.

From the blue navigation panel click on Users – click on the Plus Sign    (Left side of the screen)

  1. Go to the User’s name and hover the cursor over it.
  2. On the right side of the screen, click on the menu icon > Select Edit.
  3. Make the necessary changes.
  4. Click Save.
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