Matrix for Media

Monarch - Creating Contacts from Clarity Activities Bell Notification

A new notification exists in the Bell Notification feed and will be on by default called “Potential Contacts Recently Created from Clarity Activities”. The goal of this notification is to inform you when new Contacts are found from Emails and Calendar Events, over the last 7 days, flowing through Clarity that are not yet Contacts in Monarch and provide you with a way to Accept them by filling out more information or to Reject and Block them so future interactions are not tracked by Clarity. 

Note: Clarity will consider both the Email and Alternate Email on a Contact when determining if a Contact already exists or is a potential Contact.

Clicking on the notification, once Potential Contacts are identified, will load the expanded view of the notification where you can review the Activity the potential contact is affiliated with as well as the name, email address, and date the potential contact was found.

It is important to note that these are Potential Contacts and not yet real contacts. You cannot search for these Contacts in the global search or find them on the Contact List. You must first vet out these contacts and determine what action to take on each one.

1. Accept – This initiates the Add a Contact dialog where you can fill out additional information about the contact like the company they work for or phone number before saving them off as a real contact in Monarch. Accepting will remove all instances of that Contact from the Potential Contacts so that you do not need to accept them on every Activity they were potentially part of, officially create the person as a Contact, and officially attach that person to the Activity as a Contact as well as the company that they work for as an appropriate Account or Agency. Any future Email or Calendar events with that Contact will automatically affiliate the contact with your Activity and not trigger as a Potential Contact.

2. Reject and Block – This will remove the contact from the Potential Contacts for all instances of that Contact from the Potential Contacts so that you do not need to accept them on every Activity they were potentially part of and add the Contact to your block list managed in My Profile. You will be prompted if you really want to do this.  If that Contact was the last person potentially affiliated with the Activity, and no official Contacts were attached to the Activity, then the Activity will also be deleted for you to prevent spam Activities from happening in Monarch. Any future Emails or Calendar events with that Contact will not attempt to create an Activity or trigger as a Potential Contact.


  • If you do not act after 7 days, the Contacts will be removed from the Potential Contacts, however they will display again if you have another Email or Calendar Event with that contact and have not yet created them as a Contact in Monarch already with their known Email address. 
  • The listing of Potential Activity Contacts can be downloaded to CSV file by clicking on the download button in the top right.
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