Matrix for Media

Monarch - Addresses and Contacts are Required on Deals

Most deals do not happen on their own. They take human interaction to close out and build a relationship with the buyer over time. To increase the adoption of the CRM aspects of Monarch and make it easier for a seller to reach out to the buyer, new requirements can be added to Deals that enforce address and contact information be part of a deal so that there is less reason to not reach out to the buyer in order to discuss updates on the deal.

When the First Sales Stage is Enforced for Accounts and Agencies

If the admin configures the Accounts and Agencies part of the feature to be enforced at the first Sales Stage, then every new deal created will be reviewed before being saved to ensure the Account or Agency has appropriate address and contact information. 

In the attached example, the user tried to create the deal for the Newbies Shoes account but did not have the City or State filled out. This resulted in an error message when trying to create the deal alerting the user to the specific fields that are missing and a quick link back to the profile page where that information can be added. The same experience applies to Agency only deals as well. 

Quick Deals follow a similar workflow and will also display the same error message when trying to create the quick deal without having the required address and contact information. These are often created from the Sales Outlook data card and the Sales Outlook on a Salesperson profile page while viewing the Account or Agency views and clicking on the gray “$” icon. 

The error messages are dynamic, meaning they will change depending on the missing information. For example, if you are only missing the City then the message will only tell you that the city is missing, making it easier to know exactly what is expected of you to create this deal.

When a Later Sales Stage is Enforced for Accounts and Agencies

Similar to the deal creation workflow, when a Sales Stage 2 or later is enforced for Accounts and Agencies Monarch will check that proper address information exists for the Account and/or Agency on the deal. If the deal does not have the required information, you will receive error messages when trying to enter that Sales Stage. This can happen from locations like the Deal Profile, Quick Deal, and on the Grid View on the Deals Landing Page. 

Please see these examples:

Error message when editing the Sales Stage on the Deal Profile and only the Account is missing information

Error message when editing the Sales Stage on the Grid View of the Deals Landing Page and only the Account is missing information

Error message when editing the Sales Stage on the Quick Deal. Note both the Account and Agency are missing information in this example.

It is possible for a deal to exist in an enforced stage or later and not have the necessary address information for the Account and/or Agency. This will be most common when the feature is first enabled as we will not retroactively change any deals and we will only validate information on Sales Stage changes on the deal. These deals will continue to exist in the stage they are in. However, if you were to try to advance the stage you will get an error message that it cannot be updated without appropriate information. 

Note that if you are in an enforced stage and want to add the missing Account or Agency (for example I entered Sales Stage 2 with a valid Account and now I want to add an Agency) then the missing item must now have the required address information too or it cannot be added. 

Like the messages on deal creation, the errors are dynamic. If you are only missing the City, for example, then you will only be told the City is missing. This makes it faster and more precise to know exactly what fields are required of you in order to advance a deal to the next Sales Stage.

When The First Sales Stage is Enforced for Contacts

If the admin configures the Contacts part of the feature to be enforced at the first Sales Stage, then every new deal created will be reviewed before being created to ensure the Account or Agency on the deal also has at least one contact. That contact must also have a First Name, Last Name, Title, Email, and Primary phone number as it will be automatically affiliated to the deal.  If there is no contact or the contact found does not have enough information then you will be met with an error message letting you know about the contact.

In this example, both the Account/Agency and Contact requirements have been enabled to create a new deal

You can find this experience when Adding a Deal, or Adding a Quick Deal. Please note that it only takes one contact to satisfy this requirement so not every contact must have all information in order for a deal to be created. However, only those contacts that do have a First Name, Last Name, Title, Email, and Primary Phone will be automatically associated with the deal upon creation.

When a Later Sales Stage is Enforced for Contacts

If the admin has enforced Contacts in a stage beyond Sales Stage 1, then in order to place a deal into this stage there must not only be contacts on the deal, but at least one of those contacts must have a First Name, Last Name, Title, Email, and Primary Phone filled in. Failure to meet this requirement will result in an error message displaying on the page where you are attempting to change the Sales Stage (ex: Deal Profile, Deals Landing Page, Quick Deal)

Even if contacts are not required for a deal to be created, Monarch will add any Contacts to your deal automatically upon deal creation as long as the contact has a First Name, Last Name, Title, Email, and Primary Phone in an effort to help streamline the process for the seller when they do eventually enter an enforced Sales Stage. 

Multiple Contacts and new Contacts Pod on a Deal Profile

Deals have been updated to allow for more than one contact to be affiliated to them at a time. With this change, we have removed the Contact field from the Deal Summary section and have replaced it with a Contacts pod.

This pod will allow Monarch to display the Full name, Title, Company, Phone Number, an Email address of the affiliated contacts which should eliminate navigating away to a profile page in order to get that information. 

Contacts will be automatically added to the Deal when it is created if they have First Name, Last Name, Title, Email, and Primary Phone fields filled in. You can remove a contact that has been added to a deal by clicking on the menu icon on each contact row and choosing the Remove option.

You can add additional contacts to a deal by clicking on the “+” Plus sign icon that appears when hovering over the contacts pod. This will bring up a modal window allowing you to select checkboxes next to the contacts that are part of the Account and/or Agency on your deal and add them. Please note that if you are in a Sales Stage that requires contacts have the First Name, Last Name, Title, Email, and Primary phone that you will not be able to add those contacts without first updating their information.

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