Matrix for Media

Monarch - My Profile Settings - Deal Default

Update your Deal Preferences
As a reminder, you can set some deal defaults on your Profile page. You can use this feature if you generally use the same options on your deals, such as the same Office, Outlet, Revenue Type, and Commission combinations. This will save you time because every new deal will contain your set defaults.

Display the My Profile Page and Access your Preferences
1. From the Menu Bar, select My Profile. The My Profile screen appears.
2. Click the Preferences tab.

Add an Outlet/Revenue Type/Commission Rate line:
1. To get started, you will need to add a blank line. To do this, click the [+].
2. To add an Outlet, click the dropdown arrow beside the Outlet field, and then select an Outlet. The list of choices is limited to the Outlets that you have access to.
3. To add a Revenue Type for an Outlet, click the dropdown arrow beside the Revenue Type field, and then select a Revenue Type. If you do not wish to select Revenue Types for any of your Outlets, uncheck the Use Revenue Types checkbox located to the left side of the fields.
4. To edit a commission rate, click into the field, and then type a number.

5. Save the Deal Preference line by clicking the [+] button as if you were going to add a new combination. Anytime you click the [+] it will save the previous Deal Preference combination entered. 

You can add multiple outlet/revenue type/commission rate lines.
To remove an outlet/revenue, type/commission rate line, click the [x] preceding the outlet name.

Default Deal Office
1. Select an option from the dropdown list.
2. After selecting the office you will see a green 'Default Deal Office Updated' notification in the top right corner of the screen

Keyword Search: Deal Management, Deals, Deal preferences, set deal defaults, default outlet, default revenue type, default commission, defaults for deals

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