When you are looking at your Account Profile, Account List, or Sales Outlook Data Card if an account is preceded by a dollar sign ($ or ), it indicates that there is at least one open Deal on the account. It is easy to view details or edit any information on the Deal.
To Edit, Close, or Delete a deal, navigate to the Account Profile Page that your Deal is on and select the Deals Tab
To Delete a Deal click the red X in front of the Deal Name
To Close a Deal as won or loss, select the appropriate option to manually close out the DealNOTE- You cannot close a Deal with existing Pitched Dollars. If you try, you'll get a notice in the upper right, like the graphic below.
To Edit a Deal, select the Deal Name
Once at the Deal Profile Page you can make the updates/edits you'd like. Please note that you can expand the Deal Details arrow to make further Edits.
When expanding the Deal Details you can also change the Time frame of the deal.
Changing the Time frame of the Deal
When you want to enter in your pending dollars for more months than you are showing available on your deal, if less than 12, you can add months so that you have them available to enter your pending dollars in. You can also remove months and set the number of months to show just the exact number of months that you need to enter your pending dollars in for.
To change the number of months available, expand the Deal Details Arrow:
On the right-hand side, you will see the Timeframe, which includes the Month, Year and Duration.
Set the Timeframe to start in the Month and Year you want to start entering your pending in for. Set the Duration to be the number of Months that the Deal will last for.
Once you are done setting the Timeframe, you can click on the white triangle again to close up the Deal Details panel.
Note: If you are getting ready to enter in Pending for a "new" year but you are still in the "old' one (maybe you are in the month of November and you want to start entering Pending in for first quarter), when you create a new Deal your Timeframe will default to the current year. If you change your Timeframe Month to January, make sure that you change the Year too. If you do not, then you will be entering in pending for months that have already passed by.
You are also able to navigate to the Deal Profile Page directly from the Account List and Sales Outlook Data Card to edit your deal.
To edit a deal from the Account List:
- Move your cursor over the dollar sign
- A pop-up box appears, displaying the Deal's name and amount
- Click on the Deal Name and you will be directed to the Deal's Profile Page
To edit a deal from the Sales Outlook Data Card:
- Click on the Dollar Sign in front of the Account name
- Select the Deal Name and you will be directed to the Deal's Profile Page