The Build Your Own Financial Report allows you to build a report with the data and calculations of what you are looking for.
To create the Build Your Own Financial Report, please follow the below instructions:
- Please navigate to Reports in the Navigation Panel.
- Click the Misc tab.
- Click Build Your Own Financial Report link.
Note: This report is only available for Managers, and can be shared only with other Managers. It is not available to share with AEs.
- Columns - in this drop-down you can select your choice of column(s) to be in the report. Depending on your selection, you will be given some other options to choose from. You can label each of your columns, this will help you keep straight what data you are including. (After adding 2 or more columns, you can choose a calculation column. This can be used for the difference or percentage of 2 other columns) Please Note: The non-calculated columns are limited to 10 columns.
- Hierarchy Selection - in this drop-down you may select the attribute(s) that are to be on the report.
- Roll Up Results By Selection - in this drop-down you may select how to roll up the results of the report by a lump sum or by month.
In the below example:
1. Hierarchy was set as Salesperson.
2. For the first Column, Forecast was selected then renamed to Forecast 4th QTR
3. For a second Column, Budget was selected and renamed to Bottom Up Budget 4th QTR
4. For the third Column, a Percentage of calculation was created and renamed to Forecast 4thQTR % of Budget 4thQTR