When you are running a report and do not get the expected results. There are numerous reasons for this and your support agent can help you navigate your new report if you share the report with them. Before you share your report doublecheck these 2 things:
- Ensure your filters have been set to ALL for all filters to see if the missing data reappears.
- Ensure the time frame (sometimes you may accidentally have selected the wrong time frame) is correct.
Here are the steps to ensure a successful share:
First follow the steps outlined in this knowledge base article to save your report as a favorite.
Monarch - How To Save a Report as a Favorite.
Once you have the report saved as a favorite, open up your reports tab from the left side navigation bar, and then click "My Favorites"
You have 2 Options:
1. Right click the report you are having issues with and select copy link address and paste that using the copy and paste function into the chat or email to support and we will be able to assist you in troubleshooting the report.
2. Run the Report, then copy the URL (Web Address). Then you can paste this using the paste function into the chat or email to support and we will be able to assist you in troubleshooting the report.